Links to other Evolutionary Ethics Websites Evolution and Ethics: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? Part 2 Here is one of the better evolutionary ethics web sites. Dr. Corning presents an insightful and knowledgeable summary of important ideas concerning evolutionary ethics from the time of ancient Greece to the present. The arguments are very precise, abstracted and presented with few words, however his approach is unique and notable. This analysis was written in the course of reviewing the essays of other evolutionary ethics writers. (Part I) Peter A. Corning, Ph.D. Institute for the Study of Complex Systems. biographical info The
History of Cybernetics. The American Society for Cybernetics Early theories of ethics and cybernetics: Cybernetics & Human Knowing, from A Journal of Second Order Cybernetics & Cyber-Semiotics Morality seen as a biological adaptation. The
Biological Basis of Morality by
Edward..O. Wilson Professor Wilson hypotheses that scientifically breaking down the moral sentiments might lead to a more scientific knowledge of morality. To the contrary, in cybernetic ethics the linkage to science is not an analysis of the sentiments rather an analysis of a cybernetic process. The following quote from the Atlantic Monthly. Little
wonder, then, that ethics is the most publicly contested of all philosophical
enterprises. Or that political science, which at its foundation is
primarily the study of applied ethics, is so frequently problematic.
Neither is informed by anything that would be recognizable as authentic
theory in the natural sciences. Both ethics and political science lack
a foundation of verifiable knowledge of human nature sufficient to
produce cause-and-effect predictions and sound judgments based on them.
Surely closer attention must be paid to the deep springs of ethical
behavior. The greatest void in knowledge for such a venture is the
biology of moral sentiments. In time this subject can be understood,
I believe, by paying attention to the following topics: * The genetics
of moral sentiments, most easily approached through measurements
of the heritability of the psychological and physiological processes
of ethical behavior, and eventually, with difficulty, through identification
of the prescribing genes. Biology as a Moral Guide by Eric J. Winter, including E.O. Wilson's observations. click here
from the link) "It is indeed true that you cannot deduce moral
claims (about) origins). However, using factual claims about origins,
you can give moral claims the only foundational claim they
might possibly have." In cybernetic ethics, the science of cybernetics
form a foundation from which you can deduce moral claims about origins.
Certainly such an idea of moving from a factual "is" to
a moral "ought" or "ought not" goes against
conventional philosophy. But, conventional ethical reasoning has
not yet come to understand the power of cybernetics to explain complex
systems. Review click
here Michael
Ruse's recent book touching on evolution and morality click
here Link
to Maienschein, Jane & Ruse, Michael (eds). There
appears to be an impassable barrier between science and ethics. Herbert
Dingle (1946) has stated that this barrier exists because science
is based on absolute certainty, while ethics has no general basis
at all. Science is also capable of advancement, where ethics
is not because science can repair its mistakes through reason and
experience. Ethics only collapses when its foundations are uprooted. Because
of this inefficiency regarding the understanding of ethics it is
necessary that we observe and study moral behavior from a scientific
perspective. The understanding of ethics goes both ways though,
in that morality needs to be looked at biologically and biologists
need to explain their ethical views more philosophically. (link
temporarily not working) Evolution and Ethics The Evolution of Conscience, The Evolution of Moral Codes by C.D. Broad A Short History of Evolutionary Ethics and its Critic by Paul Lawrence Faber Evolution
and Ethics by T. H. Huxley Evolution and Ethics by Edward Stein Intervening in Evolution: Ethics and Actions by Paul R. Ehrlich Evolutionary Ethics and Biologically Supportable Morality by Michael Byron Doris Schroeder: Evolutionary Ethics. "The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy" Brief
outline of the arguments from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Problems in deriving an ethical system from science Peter Singer Ethics in the Age of Evolutionary Psychology Evolutionary ethics: history & critique ~ part I Evolutionary ethics: Ruse & Sober ~ part II Evolution
and Ethics Evolution & Ethics, Huxley 1894 Monkey Morality,
Gregory Koukl, derivation of the evolution of ethical systems Introduction to the Science of Ethics by Theodore De Laguna Evolution and Ethics by Beth K. Lamont Evolutionary ethics: history & critique part 1 Semantic and Structural Problems in Evolutionary Ethics by K.G.Ferguson Evolutionary
ethics web sites The Evolution of Morality From the Internet publication The Colossus. "Wilson's basic argument is that moral values confer an evolutionary benefit on the humans that subscribe to them; thus, certain ethical values propagate in the cultural sphere if they allow their adherents to propagate in the biological sphere ...Moral values are thus always rooted in biological imperative—often in a non-zero-sum game that benefits all individuals in a group in exchange for restrictions on individual behavior." Darwin on the Evolution of Morality, Soshichi Uchii, Kyoto University This and several of the following links found on a good academic search engine. Additional
Soshichi, and Abstracts The Evolution of Morality Chapter 1: The Origin of Personal Morality By Durant Drake The
Evolution of Morality Chapter II: The Origin of social Morality Morals, More than Nice, They're Evolution Moral Psychology and Evolution How Morals Evolve by Gregory Koukl. Monkey Morality: Can Evolution Explain Morality? Morals and Markets: An Evolutionary Account of the Modern World By Danial Friedman Can Evolution Explain Morality? John Kilcullen. "It seems pretty clear that an evolutionary explanation will not provide a foundation for morality." Evolutionary Dynamics The Evolution of Morals by David DeGusta by David DeGusta
Dr. Chris McDonald's Moral Theory Publications The Philosophy of Biology: A selection of Readings by Tim Lewens Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics Links for Evolution and Philosophy The
History of Evolution Evolutionary Ethics: Biology as a Moral Guide By Eric J. Winter The Light of Reason: Evolutionary Psychology and Ethics Evolutionary Ethics and Contemporary Biology
Parting with illusions in evolutionary ethics Evolutionary Plilosophy links AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion The Biology of Moral Systems Adaptation and Moral Realism byWiliam Harms The Naturalistic Fallacy On the Naturalistic Fallacy: A Conceptual Basis for Evolutionary Ethics John Teehan, Christopher diCarlo Richard Weikart book review on the Temptations of Evolutionary Ethics. An excellent review of the issues. Bruce Thompson on the naturalistic fallacy The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy An overview of evolutionary ethics including the naturalistic fallacy and the is/ought dichotomy The Naturalistic Fallacy & Paul Lawrence Faber Hume & Moore "Resources in Ethics and Moral Philosophy The
Naturalistic Fallacy: The Logic of its Refutation Problems in deriving an ethical system from science Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectivism, and Moral Cognition by William D. Casebeer e On the Naturalistic Fallacy: A Conceptual Basis for Evolutionary Ethics by John Teehan, Hofstra University The authors contend that rather than being a constraint on evolutionary approaches to ethics, the Naturalistic Fallacy, so understood, clears the way, conceptually, for just such an approach. The Is-Ought Dichotomy The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy The
is/ought dichotomy Is/Ought
by Robert Bass Natural
Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectivism, and Moral Naturalism & Non-naturalism Ethical
Non-Naturalism Paradigm Shift The Process of Paradigm Shift by Michael Ray Evolutionary
Ethics: A Crack in the Foundation by John Mizzoni Links to the definition and history of Cybernetics The History of Cybernetics.
The American Society for Cybernetics. A conventional definition of cybernetics Second-order definition of cybernetics including the mathematics of cybernetic systems. Definition from Principa Cybernetica Second-order
cybernetics definition. Modern "second-order cybernetics" places
emphasis on how the process of constructing models of the systems
is influenced by those very systems, hence an elegant definition
- "applied
epistemology". Norbert Wiener the father of cybernetics What
is Cybernetics? American Society for Cybernetics Behavioral Cybernetics Cybernetics
and the Social Behavior Sciences by Gregory Bateson Evolutionary Cybernetics Evolutionary Cybernetics, Principa Cybernetica Web Evolutionary
systems and cybernetics Cybernetics and System Dynamics, Calresco Miscellaneous Cybernetics Norbert Wiener's Foundation of Computer Ethics by Terrell Ward Bynum Cybernetics
and Human Knowing A Journal
of Second Order Cybernetics & Cyber-Semiotics Cybernetics — What? Biological Adaptation Adapatation Adaptation and Moral Realism byWiliam Harms Social Engineering Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another by Philip Ball. An inspiring history of ideas searching for the mathematics of social order. Formal and Informal Fallacies Ethics and Mathematics Elegant nonsense in math similar to formalism in ethics A Review of Ethics and Ethical Terminology Ethics: survey and observations an intro to evolutionary biology by Chris Colby. A fun, but not related theory: The Idle Theory of Evolution by Chris Davis Evolutionary Biology Introduction to Evolutionary Biology By Chris Colby The Biology of Moral Systems the book Ethics Web Sites CalResco Ethics and Self-organizing systems Issues in evolution Christianity and Evolutionary Ethics: Sketch Toward a Reconciliation by Patricia A. Williams Relativism, hedonism,, perfectionism Evolution, Behavior & Genetics Evolution and Behavior Search Engines Behavior and the General Evolutionary Process by William M Baum Includes a discussion of informational feedback in genetic and biological systems. Altruism Altruistic is not the same as good. Biology Lurks Beneath: Bioliterary Explorations of the Individual versus Society By David P. Barash, Department of Psychology, University of Washington. Visceral Morality (text link) Objective Morality by Robin Allot " can see why emotions were at the origin of the development of morality..." In
Defense of a Dialectical Ethic Beyond Postmodern Morality by Here Visceral Morality conflicts with Ethical Formalism Philosophy and Ethics Web Sites Prof. Spalding's List of Morality, Ethics and Philosophy Research Resources Misc Assorted Index for Uchii's Online Articles Evolutionary Theories Ethics and evolutionary psychology Organizational Integrity, and how it relates to other practices of applied ethics Cultural Relativism by Kerby Anderson The Philosophy of Biology: A Selection of Readings by Tim Lewens Two takes on ‘evolutionary ethics’ Towards a Biospheric Ethic Book on Moral Science Ronald D. Icenogle, Ph.D. Moral Science Club, University of Nevada University of Sheffield Moral Science Club Science in Ethics Moral Psychology Bibliography of Cognative Science and Ethics What is Moral Psychology Stephan Horst Personality and Moral Behavior Moral Psychology A list of resources on moral psychology Moral Psychology: Empirical Approaches Moral Psychology I: Where Is Morality in the Brain? Survival Survival Books on Evolution Amazon books Evolutionary Ethics was contraversial in the 1940's as illustrated in the book From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany By Richard Weikart Review by Johannes L. Jacobse Another review at Evolutionary Origins of Morality
The Evolution
of Ethics: An Introduction to Cybernetic Ethics
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The Evolution of Ethics: An Introduction to Cybernetic Ethics Soft cover edition ISBN 0-9610450-0-0 $11.65.
version 10.8
12/25/09Within this context, rule systems such as legal codes, traditions, customs and systems of etiquette evolve to facilitate adaptation.